Please see the note below from the President of the International Council of Airshows, as forwarded by Vicky Benzing. There has been some discussion about this in various flying-oriented FB circles as well. Fellow Reno Racing families, the Hintons and the Sanders are a big part of the Planes of Fame museum and show. I’m sure they’d appreciate a big show of support from their Jet Class compadres!
FYI and Action, as you see fit.
Rick Vandam
Please forgive the shotgun style of this correspondence. Under different circumstances, I would have liked to write a personalized email to each of you, but time is short.
A few tenants at the Chino Airport in Chino, California have filed a lawsuit against the Planes of Fame Air Show with the goal of cancelling this year’s show, scheduled for May 6-7. Their lawsuit contends that the show inconveniences them and hurts their businesses on the weekend of the show. The organizers of the Planes of Fame Air Show are seeking the support of the Chino community and the air show community in the form of your signature on an internet-based petition that they have developed.
You may sign the petition by clicking on this link: https://www.change.org/p/planes-of-fame-air-museum-don-t-let-them-stop-our-air-show?recruiter=703508264&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=share_email_responsive
If you’re willing, I’d also like for you to invite your friends and colleagues to sign this petition and make it clear that this kind of legal intimidation will not work.
If this lawsuit succeeds and these malcontents in Chino are allowed to force the cancellation of one of the strongest warbird air shows in the world, the precedent will threaten air shows everywhere and provide the playbook by which other malcontents in other communities can lead other efforts to close down community air shows.
ICAS will be supporting Planes of Fame in every way possible as they fight this battle, but – in the meantime – I urge you to take a few minutes TODAY to show your support by a) signing the petition and b) encouraging anybody you know to also sign the petition.
Thanks in advance for your help on this.
Very respectfully,
John Cudahy
International Council of Air Shows, Inc.
748 Miller Drive, Suite G-3
Leesburg, Virginia 20175