To: RJI Members
Date: June 24, 2017
From: Rick Vandam
Re: Mike Crowell Resignation
Dear Jet Class Members,
We received word today that the President of the Reno Air Race Association, Mike Crowell, has resigned effective immediately. In the official statement (attached), it is noted that Mike is stepping down to focus on his wife’s health. Donna has been battling cancer for some time now, and we, as a class, wish Mike and Donna all the best, and send our hopes and prayers for a full recovery. We’d also like to thank Mike for his hard work to return the Reno Air Races and RARA back to viability and profitability following the devastating crash in 2011.
RJI will work with and support Joey Scolari, Terry Matter, and the RARA BoD and Staff, as they work though this leadership transition. As your class president, I ask that you consider the transitional state that the RARA staff is in as you complete your 2017 Race Entry Forms and as you submit the entries and all the supporting documents. Please do your part, and apply your best attention to detail to ensure that your
submissions are complete and correct and please have patience as you work with the RARA staff to make any corrections or additions to your entry packages. I highly recommend getting an early start on the entry packages and advise not waiting until the 11th hour to get entries and documents submitted. The RARA staff will likely have a lot on their plates, so lead-turn this to ensure your package is in on time!
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any support.
Rick Vandam
RJI President
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June 23, 2017
Statement from the Reno Air Racing Association Regarding Mike Crowell
Reno, Nev. – The Reno Air Racing Association (RARA) Board of Directors this afternoon issued the following statement:
“Micheal Crowell, President and CEO of the Reno Air Racing Association, informed the Board of Directors today that he has resigned his position, effective immediately. Crowell, who has held his post for the last two and a half years, is stepping down to focus on his wife’s health. We are thankful to Mike for his hard work and dedication to continuing this one-of-a-kind event.
“While we conduct a search for a new CEO, Joey Scolari, CEO of Scolari’s Markets and a board member, will serve as interim CEO. Joey will work with RARA staff, including new COO Tony Logoteta, to continue planning for the 54th National Championship Air Races in September.”
About the Reno Air Racing Association:
The Reno Air Racing Association (RARA), a 501(c)(3), holds the National Championship Air Races every September just north of Reno. The Reno Air Races have become an institution for northern Nevada and aviation enthusiasts from around the world. The 2016 event generated more than $91.7 million for the region’s economy. The event features six racing classes, a large display of static aircraft and several military and civil flight demonstrations. For more information on the National Championship Air Races, to obtain media credentials, volunteer or purchase tickets for this year’s event, visit www.airrace.org.
Media Contact:
Mary-Sarah Kinner
The Glenn Group