To: RJI Members
Date: Aug 2, 2017
From: Rick Vandam
Re: NCAR Update
Dear Members-
We are now only 5 weeks from the start of the Air Races this year and we’re looking forward to a very successful race this year. First off, I would like to share a bit of bad news. This past weekend Shifty’s Assistant Air Boss, Jon Proehl was killed in an auto accident. Jon was a pilot with American Airlines as well as a member of the Nevada Air National Guard with Jeff and myself. We will all miss having Jon with us.
With this loss there is an immediate opening for the Mini-Boss job to replace Jon. If anyone is interested or knows someone who may be interested, please notify either Jeff or myself and we will pass that on to Shifty.
Anyone interested in securing a room using the Jet Class block of rooms at the Grand Sierra Resort (GSR) must do so by August 8th. Please be sure to book your room before the deadline. As a reminder, getting a room within our block of rooms benefits the class because in return, the GSR comps the rooms
for several of our Class officials. The reservation information can be accessed directly from our RacingJets.com website under the Racing page, or via link or phone number below.
Dates: September 5th – September 19th
Cut-off: Tuesday, August 8th, 2017 at midnight Pacific Time
Link: https://aws.passkey.com/go/SCR917
Telephone: 1-800-648-5080 use the group code: RCAR’17
Again, please remember to send in any photos or videos that you want placed on the web site.
Lastly, if anyone has any potential Class sponsors please get the information to us as soon as possible so that we can include them this year.
Rick Vandam
RJI President
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